Running into financial problems can be very overwhelming. Your bank account is low, and you need money to get to the end of the month. Often those who need financial assistance have had a struggle in maintaining a good credit status. Unfortunately, bad credit is a factor that can disqualify you for a traditional loan. Because of this, people with bad credit often turn to payday loans as a popular solution when they need emergency funds.

What are Bad Credit Payday Loans?

Payday loans are loans that will provide those in dire situations with quick access to money, regardless of whether they have bad credit. These types of loans typically need to be repaid when you receive your next paycheck. Because qualification requirements are lenient, and there are no minimum credit limitations, payday loans are typically easy to a

cquire and are an attractive solution for those with bad credit who need emergency funds.

Advantages of Payday Loans

  • Easy application process
  • Quick approval and funding
  • No credit check

Disadvantages of Payday Loans

Payday loans are not for everyone. With payday loans, if you are not careful, you could end up it a vicious cycle of debt. Some of the disadvantages include:

  • They are for only small amounts, typically up to $500
  • Very short repayment time requirements (often payment in full required on your next payday)
  • Late fees or extension fees if the loan is not repaid in time

Because you can still get a payday loan with bad credit, this often seems like a good option for those who need money fast. When considering payday loans, it’s important to note that they should only be used in emergency situations, when the loan can be paid back on time in full.

Alternatives to Payday Loans

You may feel that a payday loan is your only solution, but you have more options than you think. Installment loans from MaxLend are a better alternative. These loans have similar eligibility requirements but more flexible terms. Typically, installment loan lenders do not require a credit check and the application process is quick and simple. Online lenders like MaxLend have an online application process that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Once approved, funding can be deposited as soon as the next business day. Repayment is also more flexible as they are broken down into installments thus making it less likely to cause as big of a financial burden as payday loans. Find out if you qualify for an installment loan and apply for an installment loan online today!

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not professional financial advice. MaxLend does not assume responsibility for advice given. All advice should be weighed against your own abilities and circumstances and applied accordingly. It is up to the reader to determine if advice is safe and suitable for their own situation.

MaxLend, is a sovereign enterprise, an economic development arm and instrumentality of, and wholly-owned and controlled by, the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation, a federally-recognized sovereign American Indian Tribe. (the “Tribe”). This means that MaxLend’s loan products are provided by a sovereign government and the proceeds of our business fund governmental services for Tribe citizens. This also means that MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Rather, MaxLend is regulated by the Tribe. If you do business with MaxLend, your potential forums for dispute resolution will be limited to those available under Tribal law and your loan agreement. As more specifically set forth in MaxLend’s contracts, these forums include an informal but affordable and efficient Tribal dispute resolution, or individual arbitration before a neutral arbitrator. Otherwise, MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Neither MaxLend nor the Tribe has waived its sovereign immunity in connection with any claims relative to use of this website. If you are not comfortable doing business with sovereign instrumentality that cannot be sued in court, you should discontinue use of this website.